The Facts On Real-World Childhood Obesity Medication Systems- By: Hinchliffe Wittwer

Description : It wasn't all that long ago that obesity and all of its related problems were solely the problems of grown-ups. In the US, things have changed for the worse in the past few decades. Not only are there more obese adults than ever, the affliction is affecting teens and kids at younger and younger ages. For children the most obvious influences are typically their parents though education and awareness raising are also super important. It is, however, the parents who must offer guidance and act as positive role models. Obese kids are staring down the barrel of a plethora of physical and behavioral health problems. Beyond that, there are a lot of dangerous risks that will have both the means and the opportunity to develop into real problems later on in life. This deals these kids a terrible hand that is almost completely impossible to get past.

The variety of medical problems experienced by obese young people is big. There are a lot of different influences, some of which might be genetic. Kids and teens who suffer from severe obesity are more likely to develop a variety of conditions that cause problems for joints and bones. Lots of the time, problems that are connected to the load bearing joints are the first to show up. The feet, ankles, knees and hips are particularly prone to skeletal stress. Kids are going to have to deal with joint pain, typically in their backs as well as constant low swelling around their joints. These kids also are commonly diagnosed with arthritis. Widespread research has proven that kids who suffer from obesity are far more likely to suffer from sleep apnea than kids who aren't obese. This condition is alarming because it leads to the blocking of a child's airway while he or she is sleeping. Kids who are overweight and obese are more likely to develop snoring problems but that's a deceiving piece of data, according to researchers. It's also possible that the snoring is a symptom of something called OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. One possible way to solve the problem is to undergo an adenotonsillectomy which is thought to treat this particular condition when it arises in obese kids and obese teens.

Teenagers have a faster rate of personality development and socialization than kids of other ages. Not only that but body image development is particularly fragile during the teen years. Obviously an obese teen will have an extraordinarily difficult time achieving any semblance of normal development in those areas. This means that when the teen leaves high school he or she will be at severe developmental disadvantages. The ability to compete and succeed, in normally accepted standards, will be almost non-existent for many. There is a real problem with kids and teens who suffer from obesity that affects other people too. It is also important to look at this from the viewpoint of cost to the overall society. Kids who are obese usually grow up into adults who are obese and that condition usually costs quite a lot in medical care, time taken off of work, etc. So this is honestly a societal problem even though that is not how most people think of it.

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